Bringing Superhuman Wellness to the Mortals
Chris Hemsworth is actually very relatable. Once you get past the bulging biceps, mesmerizing eyes, charming personality, Aussie accent, tousled blond hair, and picture-perfect life, you realize he’s human, just like us. A regular bloke trying to stay healthy and grounded amidst his jet-setting, star-studded life. Thankfully, he created Centr Fit, a holistic wellness app, to make it easier for the rest of us, mere mortals, to follow in his iconic footsteps.
Team Player
Our mission? Help Centr stand out in a market saturated with wellness apps and use the brand’s greatest asset in an unexpected way. Luckily, we had Chris’ wicked sense of humor on our side. We used his comedic spirit to launch a brand spot that showed the world a different side of Chris — in more ways than one — and championed Centr’s hand-picked team of experts.
Socially Centered
During the height of the pandemic when we needed superhuman strength just to keep it together, we called on Chris to ground us with a series of playful meditation videos. The organic social campaign highlighted Centr’s mindfulness pillar and resulted in nearly 8MM engagements. Talk about the ultimate flex.